Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Know what you eat !!!

Did anybody wondered what percentage of fat,carbohydrate and protein a normal adult should consume. Well here is the calculation. Please follow this and stay healthy. It proved very effective to me.

Every person burn some amount of calories and consume some amount of calories in the form of food. If the consumed calorie is very high , then he becomes fat. To maintain the same weight amount of calorie burnt should be same as calorie consumed on average. In a balanced diet the following percentage of carbohydrate,fat and protein should be present.

If Calorie consumed - 1500kcal/day(Breakfast+lunch+Dinner)

% of carbohydrate = 57% = 855kcal(57%of 1500) = 214gms per day
(1gm of carbohydrate = 4kcal)
% of fat = 25% = 375kcal(25% of 1500) = 42gms per day
(1gm of fat=9kcal)

% of protein=18% = 270kcal(18%of 1500) = 67.5gms per day
( 1gm of protein=4kcal )

If you want to calculate how much calorie you are burning you can use this site

If you want to calculate how much calorie you can consume each day you can use this site

Stay healthy !!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for this very useful info...

  2. Thanks again for such useful information but its so hard to keep up with a healthy balanced meal, I am speaking of my case. I love veggies and fruits, but I don't like milk that much so i kind of exclude it sometimes...although now I am drinking more because I have to, its a great sacrifice..jaja, but thanks though, you did a good job in providing adequate information.

  3. Good One !
    Keep posting !
